Hands On New Orleans is a very cool organization that works with volunteers to support disaster response efforts and meet community needs as a result of hurricanes that have hit the gulf
coast, check them out!

Volunteer with Hands On New Orleans Greetings from Hands On New Orleans!Hands On New Orleans inspires and motivates people to meet critical community needs, by encouraging active citizenship through meaningful service. Since March 2006, Hands On New Orleans has engaged over 10,000 volunteers in service activities throughout the city of New Orleans.Hands On New Orleans continues to house up to 40 visiting volunteers a night, in a city still recovering from the nation's worst natural disaster. We have immediate availability through the middle of December for visiting volunteers. Volunteers are provided with three meals a day and internet access. We ask our volunteers to contribute $25/night towards our housing program (a fraction of the cost of a hotel). We also help to connect you with important volunteer efforts in the city. Volunteers have been a critical part of the recovery efforts in the Gulf Coast and will continue to lead the recovery moving forward. Come be a part of revitalizing a great American city!For more information, please visit our website at www.handsonneworleans.org or contact our Volunteer Coordinator, Heidi Mallis, at volunteer@handsonneworleans.org.
If you are looking to do environmental service, the Seattle Parks and Rec organize great volunteer parties where you can work at all different sites in Seattle doing park restoration, ivy removal, beach clean up etc. just to name a few. It is a great opportunity to meet like minded folks that like to volunteer and they have events almost every weekend!
Seattle Parks and Recreation Opportunities for environmental service abound! Please visit the Seattle Parks and Recreation website for a full listing of community work parties in your neighborhood:http://www.seattle.gov/parks/volunteers/workparty.htm
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