This girl below is already telling her friends about it :) I really recommend you check them out.

University ofWashington, Seattle; Health Alliance International presents a photojournalism exhibit about the War in Iraq"Unembedded: Four INDEPENDENT PHOTOJOURNALISTS ON THE WARIN IRAQ." Unembedded is a national touring exhibit of 60visually stunning images that tell the story of the war'simpact on the lives of the Iraqi people on the ground. Itis a powerful expression of the effects of war that golargely ignored by the mainstream media. Work by GhaithAbdul-ahad, Kael Alford, Thorne Anderson, and RitaLeistner. Free. ends Dec 5, info or or
**THROUGH OCT 16, 7 pm & 9 pm, at Northwest Film Forum,1515 12th Ave., Seattle; Northwest Film Forum presents TheExiles. After years of researching in the Native Americancommunity in Los Angeles, Kent Mackenzie began working withhis protagonists on The Exiles in 1957. The film, which wascompleted three years later, is one of the first - andstill very few - films about YOUNG INDIANS IN THE BIG CITY.For his empathetic observations, Mackenzie found poeticforms far from any kind of romanticizing. His graphic sensefor nocturnal Los Angeles, the use of interviews with theactors as the inner monologues of the protagonists, and thesoundtrack of the rock 'n' roll band "The Revels" fromradios and jukeboxes make The Exiles a masterpiece of greatbeauty and integrity. Its restoration closes another gapin the history of independent cinema. Special "Exiled inSeattle" Film Release Party, Q&A with Sherman Alexie on Oct14 after 7 pm screening. Tickets $6/NWFF members,$6.50/children & seniors, $9/general. Tickets and info, info 206-329-2629

Human Trafficking: Modern Day SlaveryOn Thursday, October 23rd from 7 to 9pm the Intercommunity Peace & Justice Center (IPJC) will present a free workshop entitled “Human Trafficking: Modern Day Slavery” at St. Francis of Assisi Parish Center, 15236 21st Ave SW, Burien. Our featured speaker will be Rani Hong, a trafficking survivor and founder of the Tronie Foundation. We will also have education, resources and opportunities for action as we launch the Stop the Demand Campaign. IPJC and religious communities have been working on the issue of human trafficking for a number of years. We invite you to join us in making a difference on the issue of Human Trafficking. We encourage you to bring friends and other networks to the event.

Also for some relief and relaxation after exposing yourself to some fantastic events and exhibits or even some relief from work, check out:Health & HappinessTue 10/14/08 03:00 PM to Tue 10/14/08 04:00 PMJoin the Stress-Free Seattle Campaign! Free yoga and mediation seminars conducted by The Art of Living Foundation. Learn practical techniques that can be practiced at work and and home.
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