Ok dok, its been a crazy week, lots of exciting political action on the local, state and federal level. If you want to check out more about candidates for all elections, check out the Secretary of State's website on elections where you can see the a video voter's guide and the online voter's pamphlet, pretty nifty! http://www.secstate.wa.gov/elections/2008.aspx
You can also check the status of your voter registration and watch some cool videos including instructions for how to run for office. Get involved!

Don't be Speechless in Seattle.
Come on, that's lame!
If you want to get involved a different way and learn about the Seattle Non-profit community, there is the idealist.org career fair next week, check it out:
*WEDS OCT 22, 11 am - 3 pm, at Seattle University,Campion Hall Building, 914 East Jefferson Street, mainentrance via East James, Seattle; Please join us for theIdealist.org NONPROFIT CAREER FAIR. Our nonprofit careerfairs are a place for everyone who wants to make adifference in the world (including recent undergraduate or grad school students, experienced nonprofit professionals,and those wishing to transition to a nonprofit career fromother sectors) and we encourage you to consider the widerange of opportunities to move forward in your nonprofitcareer. To register, free for jobseekers info including schedule, directions, anda list of registered organizations, http://snipr.com/seattlecf or idealist.org
Some other interesting events coming up this weekend and they early part of next week that will energize you and give you the opportunity to learn something new are:
**SAT OCT 18, 9:30 pm, at Cinerama, Seattle; LangstonHughes African American Film Festival is proud to be theCommunity Copresenter of Noah's arc: Jumping the Broom,Dir. Patrick Ian Polk (US 2008 102 min), part of the 13thAnnual Seattle Lesbian and Gay Film Festival. Picking upwhere Logo's landmark African-American ensemble televisionseries left off, Alex, Ricky, and Chance join Noah and hispartner Wade on a cross-country trip for Noah and Wade'swedding on Martha's Vineyard. Instead of a weekend ofrevelry, secrets and lies are exposed, hearts arechallenged, and friendships are turned upside down. Asassy, sexy look at the lives of a CLOSE-KNIT QUARTET OF GAY MEN who discovered their real family when they foundeach other. info http://www.threedollarbillcinema.org/
**MON OCT 20, 7 - 9 p.m., at Kane Hall, Room 130,University of Washington, Seattle; Free, but advanceregistration is requested. UW Forum on the FINANCIALCRISIS: How Did We Get Here, and What Does it Mean?Panelists include: Richard Bennion - Executive VicePresident and Residential Lending Director, HomeStreetBank; Alan Hess - Professor, Foster School of Business;Lew Mandell - Visiting Professor, Foster School ofBusiness; Dick Zerbe - Professor, Evans School of PublicAffairs; Eric Zivot - Professor, Economics. Steve Scher -KUOW Host. Registration and info 206-543-0540 or 1-800-AUW-ALUM
TUES OCT 21, and subsequent 3rd Tuesdays, but pleaseconfirm, 6 - 8 p.m., at Boards & Commissions room, FloorL2, City Hall, 600 4th Avenue, downtown Seattle; PublicMeeting on POLICE ACCOUNTABILITY held by the Office ofPolice Accountability Review Panel (OPARB), info 206-684-8146 or opareviewboard@seattle.gov, Listen to meetings inprogress on the Boards & Commissions Listen 206-684-4718
TUES OCT 21, 7:30 pm, at Town Hall Seattle, 1119 8thAvenue at Seneca Street, Downstairs, enter on Seneca,Seattle; Antonia Juhasz on 'THE TYRANNY OF OIL.' Aleading expert on international trade and finance, AntoniaJuhasz is a fellow with Oil Change International and theInstitute for Policy Studies. Author of The Bush Agenda,Juhasz returns to Town Hall to talk about her upcomingbook, The Tyranny of Oil: the World's Most PowerfulIndustry, and What We Must Do To Stop It. Presented by theTown Hall Center for Civic Life, with Elliott Bay BookCompany. Tickets $5 available athttp://www.brownpapertickets.com/, 800-838-3006 and at thedoor beginning at 6:30. Town Hall members receive priorityseating. info http://www.townhallseattle.org/
Also, an interesting TV show worth tuning in for on the local community access channel:
TUES OCT 21, and subsequent 3rd Tuesdays, 6 - 6:30 pm, onSCAN, the Seattle Community Access Network TV, cablechannels 77 (Comcast) and 29 (Millennium) and streamingvideo at http://www.scantv.org/ ; The Abe Keller PeaceEducation Fund is sponsoring a new cable program seriesentitled THINK PEACE: PEACEMAKING IN A TROUBLED WORLD.This month's program TBA. Sponsored by American FriendsService Committee in collaboration with the Abe KellerPeace and Education Fund. [confirmed 10/10/07]
And for those of you who have kids and want to learn how to talk with your children about multiculturalism, which is super important, check out:
SUN OCT 19, and subsequent 3rd Sundays, 1 - 3:30 pm,email for location and agenda; P.E.A.R. PRESCHOOLEDUCATORS AGAINST RACISM. How to teach young children toreject bias and embrace differences requires deep study andreflection of our own teaching practices. Are you trulylistening to children? Come join this conversation. infoMollypeach@hotmail.com [added 5/22/05]
1 comment:
Antonia Juhasz is an amazing author and the research she has done between oil companies and governments is amazing. I went to a book release in DC and it is obvious she is very passionate about this topic. Hopefully her new book will help people realize that government, even though it should be helping us, is the huge blockade against Americans losing our dependence on oil and moving to clean renewable energy! Definitely go to the event if you can!
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