*FRI MAY 8, 7:30 p.m., at Saint Mark Cathedral, Leffler House Living Room, 1245 10th Ave E, Seattle; Friday Film Nights at the Saint Mark's film night, is a community of film lovers, social activists, and lifelong learners who gather to watch and discuss compelling films from around the globe in order to expand our worldview about people, the environment, current issues, cultures, and global spirituality. Together we watch and discuss foreign gems, dramas, documentaries, family films, and American blockbusters. WOMEN'S REBELLION AGAINST TRADITION AND AUTHORITY Moolade (2004, NR, 124 minutes) "An inspiring story, set in Burkina Faso, about a group of women who stand up for their rights against the traditions of their village; When a woman shelters a group of girls from suffering female circumcision, she starts a conflict that tears her village apart. Moolaade illuminates the agonies of women in some parts of Africa and leaves you admiring their bravery and resolve." Winner: Cannes Film Festival, National Society of Film Critics Awards, Los Angeles Pan African Film Festival, Marrakech Int'l Film Fest. info Kevin Meadows FilmNights@saintmarks.org or http://www.SaintMarks.org
**SAT MAY 9, 10 am - 5 pm, International Humanitarian Law Today: The LASTING CONSEQUENCES OF WAR. In Honor of World Red Cross Day, the American Red Cross serving King & Kitsap Counties is putting together an INTERNATIONAL HUMANITARIAN LAW SEMINAR, which will feature speakers from the ICRC, Clear Path International, the Washington Anti-Trafficking Response Network (W.A.R.N.), as well as a panel of Immigrants and Refugees. This unique event will provide the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to hear experts on International Humanitarian Law speak about their areas of expertise, and find ways of getting involved in your own community! Please RSVP to Andrea Kao at andrea.kao@seattleredcross.org or 206-726- 3554
SAT MAY 9, and subsequent 2nd Saturdays, 10 am, at Northwest Leadership Foundation, 717 Tacoma Ave. S., Tacoma; HATE FREE ZONE FAMILY MEETINGS: Please join us for a family meeting for those who have been AFFECTED BY DETENTION AND DEPORTATION. Families are encouraged to share their stories and learn about their human rights. Meetings are meant to provide support for families and an opportunity to advocate for change. info Deena 206-723- 2203 ext. 209 or deena@hatefreezone.org tollfree helpline 1-866-HFZONE1 (1-866-439-6631) [added 11/7/07]
SAT MAY 9, and subsequent 2nd Saturdays, please confirm at website, 10 am, at the cafe in Third Place Books- Ravenna; SEATTLE ESPERANTO SOCIETY, the Seattle chapter of an international peace movement. The meeting is an informal discussion and language practice; beginners are welcome. info http://seattleesperanto.org, Free online Esperanto lessons at http://www.lernu.net
TUES MAY 19, and subsequent 3rd Tuesdays, 6 - 8 pm, at Pacific Gender Center, 1812 E Madison, Seattle; Seattle Police Department/LGBTQ Advisory Council Meeting. The Seattle POLICE DEPARTMENT'S SEXUAL MINORITIES/LGBTQ ADVISORY COUNCIL is a Council established by the Police Department to increase relationships and communications between the community and the Department. info 206-684- 8760 or Daniel Dueball: Daniel.Dueball@seattle.gov or http://www.seattlelgbt.org [updated 12/21/08]
TUES MAY 19, and subsequent 3rd Tuesdays, but please confirm, 6 - 8 p.m., at Boards & Commissions room, Floor L2, City Hall, 600 4th Avenue, downtown Seattle; Public Meeting on POLICE ACCOUNTABILITY held by the Office of Police Accountability Review Panel (OPARB), info 206-684- 8146 or opareviewboard@seattle.gov, Listen to meetings in progress on the Boards & Commissions Listen 206-684-4718
Check out my blog: A young professional's guide to civic engagement in Seattle: http://www.involvedseattleite.blogspot.com/
"Once social change begins, it cannot be reversed. You cannot uneducate the person who has learned to read. You cannot humiliate the person who feels pride. You cannot oppress the people who are not afraid anymore. We have seen the future, and the future is ours." - Cesar Chavez
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