Friday, September 19, 2008

Weekends are the best

Hey there, some quick opportunties before I leave for the day.

Here is a workshop I plan to go to and it is a really great opportunity to learn about fundraising and diversity programs, if that has anything to do with your job you should check it out and let me know if you go.

Register today for AFP Washington’s eagerly-anticipated workshop, "Making Diversity a Strategic Advantage in Fundraising" from 1:30pm - 4:30pm on October 2, 2008 at the Seattle Sheraton. Ten percent of counties in America are already "majority-minority", in which the combined population of minorities exceeds the majority population. Including diverse communities will always be a matter of social justice, yet it is increasingly an economic necessity as well. Is your organization ready to meet this challenge? Sponsor support has helped us bring nationally-acclaimed speaker and author Tracy Brown to Seattle. You'll learn and enjoy an interactive workshop from a respected leader in the field. Tracy’s workshops have generated a lot of buzz at AFP international conferences where she combines information, insight and perspective with a wonderful sense of humor. Audiences love her and her important message. Register for this workshop with your peers - leaders in fundraising and non-profit management! You'll learn how to better understand new voices and new points of view in organizational leadership, staff, clients and donors. Inclusiveness and social justice relate to upcoming trends in diversity and fundraising demographics that directly impact your organization's bottom line. The AFP Diversity Workshop, "Making Diversity a Strategic Advantage in Fundraising," is presented in partnership with the Black Philanthropy Trust’s Northwest Regional Conference on Black Philanthropy in Seattle. The AFP Diversity Workshop is a key element of the first day of this major conference, yet has it own registration and sponsorship opportunities. Sponsor support has also helped make the AFP Diversity Workshop available to members and non-members alike for the affordable and special low rate of $15 per person. This is a unique opportunity to learn from one of the best in the field, Tracy Brown, in downtown Seattle. The deadline is fast approaching, please contact AFP Washington Chapter Office today to register for this unique opportunity at, 206-367-8704 or click HERE to register online.

Here are some other ways to volunteer in the community that struck my fancy:

Seattle Public Library Book Sale
The Friends of The Seattle Public Library will hold their Fall 2008 Book Sale on the weekend of September 26-28 at Magnuson Park. Volunteers are still needed at most shifts, so please let us know if you can help.

The volunteer shifts are:

Thursday 9/25 (setting up tables and moving boxes of books into the hangar):
1) 5 to 9 PM

Friday 9/26:
1) 9 AM to 3 PM (continue with set-up)
2) 6:30 to 9:30 PM (Friday evening members' preview sale)

Saturday 9/27:
1) 9 AM to 1 PM
2) 1 PM to 5 PM

Sunday 9/28: 11 AM to 4 PM

Monday 9/29 (clean-up):
1) 8:30 AM to 1 PM
2) Noon to 4 PM

Tuesday 9/30 (clean-up): 9 AM to 1 PM

During the Book Sale, we need help with monitoring entrances/exits, restocking tables, counting books before patrons go to cashiers, handling will call and assisting patrons.

To sign up, visit our website:
Arboretum Tour Guide and Saplings School Program Guide
Introduce the public to the Arboretum and its collections through 60-90 minute tours. Tour themes include seasonal interest, history and ecology of Foster Island, native plants and ethnobotany. A background in botany, ecology or horticulture is helpful. Teaching experience is a plus!
Volunteers lead guided tours during the week or on weekends. You should be willing to work in inclement weather and have time to attend training and enrichment programs. Commitment of two tours per month on a seasonal or year-round basis.
Contact:Shawna Hartung, WPA Education Coordinator, 206-543-8801 or

WPA Saplings School Program Guide
Lead 90-minute, hands-on programs for school groups in grades K-12. Program topics include Discover Plants, Life Cycle of Plants, Wetland Ecology Walks and Native Plants and People. Guide training is offered prior to each Saplings season in the fall and spring. You should enjoy working with children, be willing to work in inclement weather, and have time to attend training and enrichment programs. Commitment of one program per week during the three-month fall and spring seasons. To learn more, read the job description.
Contact:Shawna Hartung, WPA Education Coordinator, 206-543-8801 or
Seattle Parks and Recreation
Opportunities for environmental service abound! Please visit the Seattle Parks and Recreation website for a full listing of community work parties in your neighborhood:


One America (formerly Hate Free Zone)
OneAmerica advances the fundamental principles of democracy and justice at the local, state and national levels by building power within immigrant communities in collaboration with key allies. OneAmerica operates under the fundamental premise that voices spoken together are stronger. That's why we work to build coalitions between immigrant communities and mainstream communities. Although the burden of policies that erode constitutional and civil rights is falling primarily on immigrant communities, we know that all people are affected.

Civic Engagement Volunteer needed for Canvassing and Phone Banking at various dates and times. In this position, a volunteer will engage in the following activities/roles/tasks: Voter outreach, which will be done through phone calls and door-to-door canvassing Voter education Get-out-the-vote work through visibility events and Election Day publicity.

Contact: Erin Haick
206.723.2203 ext209
1227 S Weller St Seattle, WA 98144

Have a lovely weekend!

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