Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Some neat things to do

Hey folks, here are some cool opportunities to get involved and some nifty events coming up:

Friends of Seattle
The Friends of Seattle Board of Directors seeks highly qualified and motivated applicants for the following positions on its Steering Committee.
* Membership & Marketing Director * Technology Director
We are looking for candidates who are passionate about urban issues and political participation, and who want to see reform and visionary change in Seattle. We seek people with leadership potential who can make a personal time commitment to invest in Friends of Seattle's growth and development. *****These are volunteer positions******

About the Friends of Seattle Steering Committee:
What does the Steering Committee do? The Friends of Seattle Board of Directors has delegated responsibility for operating the organization to a Steering Committee. Its functions are both operational and strategic. The Steering Committee chooses candidates and issues to endorse; approves community partnerships; plans public events; represents Friends of Seattle in the broader community; and participates in strategic planning. Some Board Members also participate on the Steering Committee, and people often join the Board after successful service on the Steering Committee.

Who is on the Steering Committee? Steering Committee Members are leaders and activists who believe in reforming Seattle politics, building community, and changing policies affecting urban life. They * Serve in ways that are comfortable and suit their own backgrounds, means, and circumstances; and * Build camaraderie and relationships on the Steering Committee by working together for the success of Friends of Seattle. Read about current Members of the Steering Committee by visiting http://www.friendsofseattle.org/steering_committee.php.

To apply go to their website at : http://www.friendsofseattle.org/jobs.php
Help with Development of a Parenting Program (Seattle/UW)
Reply to: eckatz@u.washington.eduDate: 2008-08-11, 2:52PM PDT
The Family & Friends Project at the UW Department of Psychology needs parents to help us develop a new parenting program. Volunteers are needed for a group on Wednesday, 8/13. Participation entails attending one parenting group trial session from 6:00 to 8:00pm. Groups will be held on the UW campus in Seattle. Volunteers will recieve reimbursement for parking or bus travel, a $10 coffee card, and dinner during the group. If you are interested in volunteering, please reply to eckatz@u.washington.edu or call 206-919-0604 to speak with our volunteer coordinator.
The Beach Comes Downtown: Volunteer at Seattle Sandfest! (Westlake Center & Westlake Plaza)
Reply to: courtenay.bennett@bbbs.orgDate: 2008-08-11, 4:53PM PDT
Volunteer at Sandfest and get the t-shirt! This is a one-of-a-kind volunteer experience. Seattle Sandfest takes place on Saturday, August 23rd along Pine St and Westlake Park. Attendees will participate in activities, listen to live music and enjoy professional sand sculptures with proceeds benefitting Big Brothers Big Sisters of Puget Sound. Sandfest goers also have the opportunity to vote for their favorite sculpture built by community sponsors. We have positions available for active people who'd like to get down and dirty and pack sand for sculpting, to volunteers who will interact with attendees, and everything in-between. There are a number of opportunities for corporate and community groups to work with sand (and even build a sculpture!) prior to Sandfest during general business hours on Tuesday, August 19th, and on Friday, August 22nd. Other volunteer shifts run periodically throughout the day and during Sandfest on Saturday, August 23rd between 8:30am and 10pm. If you like to be active, work with a team, or engage in the community, we have a perfect fit for you! Please contact Courtenay Bennett at courtenay.bennett@bbbs.org or 206.763.9060 x238 for more information and to sign up. Shifts are filling up, and will continue on a first-come, first-serve basis. See you in the sand…
Travel Writing - culturally sensitive and curious online community
Reply to: comm-792167666@craigslist.orgDate: 2008-08-11, 12:22PM PDT
Niche Travel Guide(http://www.nichetravelguide.com) is a space for culturally sensitive and curious travelers to come together and share ideas, tips and experiences. We believe that each place in the world is unique and offers its own richness and learning opportunities. Our goal is to build a community around this concept to help travelers find these qualities wherever they may travel. Niche Travel Guide is seeking globally minded individuals to write travel articles. We are looking for short articles(100-600 words) on anywhere and anything as long as it is consistent with our mission. We are also seeking feature articles(600-1500 words). This is a great opportunity to help grow an online community with a wonderful mission and make your writing more visible. Additionally, we are happy to link to contributors' websites. Submitting: http://www.nichetravelguide.com/?page_id=4

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