Friday, December 26, 2008
Something to make you think: Their year of Buying Black
Their year of buying black
OAK PARK Family's commitment could hold key to community prosperity
December 20, 2008
Consumers worldwide might be tightening their belts, but Maggie Anderson's mind is black with plots to spend.
Her Oak Park family is publicly committing to a year of buying from black-owned business and supporting black professionals exclusively, starting Jan. 1.
» Click to enlarge image
Maggie Anderson, daughter Cara and husband John vow to buy only from black-owned firms in 2009. (Scott Stewart/Sun-Times)
These days, she's searching frantically for black-owned firms for staple items and services, until she and her husband, John, can broaden their awareness of businesses and professionals.
That means she's got to find a new dry cleaner. She's looking for a place to gas up the family's two cars. And locating black McDonald's franchises is a must. "My girls love the fries," she said of her two daughters.
Her family's efforts will be followed by a team of college researchers as part of a project called the Ebony Experiment to determine the impact of the Andersons' spending if extrapolated to a larger portion of black America.
Proponents of buy-black initiatives say they are key to community prosperity, as studies indicate black-owned enterprises are more likely to hire black employees. Those firms are likely to sponsor community programs and their owners participate in institutions such as churches that provide community services, said Steven Rogers, director of the Kellogg Entrepreneurial Practice Center at Northeastern University's Graduate School of Management.
Book to detail experience
"It's not just a simple effort for the sake of show and a superficial statement about racial pride," said Rogers, a project adviser. "It comes from the desperate need for us to have a role in our own economic destiny."
The Andersons, who plan to spend about $10,000 a month next year, will move their checking account to and refinance home and car loans with black organizations. They'll seek black-owned firms to do home improvement projects and handle vacations they've put off until next year.
And they want black America to watch as they discover companies with which to do business.
The couple -- she's a lawyer; he's a financial adviser -- will blog and post videos at to document their spending, and invite people to offer their own accounts of shopping black.
"If we can get 3 percent of us to commit to doing this, that will translate into millions and millions of dollars going into our community," Maggie Anderson said.
Coming out of the project will be a database of black-owned businesses and professionals and a university-based study. Social commentator Michael Eric Dyson is on the team and will pen the foreword for a book detailing the experience.
"They have decided to put their money where their mouth is and forge connections within their own community to strengthen economic and social networks and ties that bind us together," said Dyson, a Georgetown University professor. "Hopefully, this will inspire others to take up the call."
'It takes some effort'
The couple are prepared to potentially pay more for services and put more miles on their cars to patronize the businesses.
"I'm ready to buy $300 worth of groceries at a time," Maggie said.
Michael Bennett, director of DePaul University's Egan Urban Center and a researcher helping to measure the Anderson impact, said this effort stands out from the loads of buy-black initiatives he has seen over his 64 years.
"What's different about this one is you have a family with an income level that will allow them to search out goods and services to be extremely intentional about doing the research about following up," Bennett said.
There'll be challenges, he noted. Finding a black barber is easy enough, and there are plenty of black medical professionals to choose from in Chicago. But finding a black-owned utility provider? That's tougher, he said.
Even a black-owner auto repair shop might prove difficult, Bennett said, as today's computerized vehicles call for more capital-intensive operations.
"It takes some effort. And that's what I like about the Andersons. They want to make the effort to see," Bennett said. "They don't know yet how difficult it's going to be."
Monday, December 22, 2008
Snow has taken over Seattle
*WEDS DEC 24, and subsequent Wednesdays, 2 - 3 p.m., on
KKNW, 1150 AM radio or live at ;
Northwest Interfaith Community Outreach takes a step
forward with the new, weekly INTERFAITH TALK RADIO SHOW
featuring Rabbi Ted Falcon, Muslim Sufi Minister Jamal
Rahman and Pastor Don Mackenzie. Listen in and contribute
to the growing and deepening interfaith dialogue on matters
JUSTICE. info http://www.
**WEDS DEC 24, and subsequent Wednesdays, 6 p.m. on KBCS-
FM, 91.3, online at ; Live call-in talk
show "VOICES OF DIVERSITY" will focus on topics related to
is produced by Community Volunteers. Show is sponsored by
the City of Bellevue Parks and Community Services
department and KBCS; We'll also be taking calls from our
listeners at 425-564-2424. This show: A Year of Thought-
Provoking Conversations. We present HIGHLIGHTS FROM THIS
PAST YEAR's most compelling Voices of Diversity programs.
info Callie Shanafelt 425-452-7922 or or
*THURS DEC 25, and subsequent Thursdays, 1 - 2 p.m., on
KKNW-AM, 1150,and streaming live at and on ;
Culture Talk, with Kevin P. Henry, on Alternative Talk and
on the Afra Genesis Network. We talk about the hot topics
related to CULTURE, SOCIAL AND HEALTH ISSUES, live. info
Kevin Henry [added 1/4/08]
*WEDS DEC 24, and subsequent Wednesdays, 5:30 pm, at YWCA
Opportunity Place, 2024 Third Ave, Between Virginia &
CLINIC. To schedule an immigration appointment, call 206-
587-4009. For all other legal issues arrive at the clinic
at 5:30 to sign up for an appointment, with 8 appointments
available to those on a first come first serve basis. Both
clinics provide free 30 minute appointments with an
attorney for advice and consultation only. These attorneys
do not provide representation. Interpreters Provided. info
Arielle Rosenberg 206-267-7027
**THURS DEC 25, 6 p.m., on KBCS-FM, 91.3, online at ; Families Sending Holiday Greetings to
their Incarcerated Loved Ones. Calls From Home is a
special holiday program that presents the voices of FAMILY
highlights the intimate power of families speaking straight
to their loved ones who are behind bars.
Here are some exciting events to look forward to:
**MON DEC 29, 7 pm, at the Langston Hughes Performing
Arts Center, 104 - 17th Avenue South, Seattle; The
Langston Hughes AFRICAN AMERICAN FILM FESTIVAL presents the
Freedom through the Lens of Black Cinema, with a full
season of provocative narrative and documentary films.
This film Trouble The Water. Directed and produced by
Fahrenheit 9/11 producers Tia Lessin and Carl Deal and
executive produced by Danny Glover, Trouble the Water won
the 2008 Sundance Grand Jury Prize. See this woeful story
of governments unwilling to help their constituents people
and the optimistic story of PEOPLE BRAVELY WORKING TO HELP
THEIR NEIGHBORS. An aspiring rap artist and her streetwise
husband, trapped in New Orleans by deadly floodwaters,
survive the storm and then seize a chance for a new
beginning. It's a redemptive tale of self-described street
hustlers who become heroes that takes you INSIDE HURRICANE
KATRINA in a way never before seen on screen. Trouble the
Water opens the day before Katrina makes landfall, just
blocks away from the French Quarter but far from the New
Orleans that tourists know. Kimberly Rivers Roberts is
turning her video camera on herself and her 9th Ward
neighbors trapped in the city. "It's going to be a day to
remember," Kim says excitedly into her new camera as the
storm is brewing. It's her first time shooting video and
it's rough, jumpy but dense with reality. Kim's playful
home-grown newscast tone grinds against the audience's
knowledge that hell is just hours away. Suggested donation
$5. info 206-326-1088 or
**THURS JAN 1, 1 - 4 pm, in Seattle; New Years Circle.
Meditation with Bill Aal & Margo Adair, authors of
Practical Meditation for Busy Souls. Transformation
Emerges Out of Deep Listening to the Self, Others, the
World and the Planet. Working with Energy Circles we will
reflect over the last year and align with positive vision
for the New Year; we will envision ways to meet personal
goals as well as the larger challenges of our times. Fees
based on your generosity and ability to pay. Pre
registration required by Dec 26. info or to register or 206-329-2201, info
Have a great day, stay safe and warm!
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Education for all youth
Educational Success for All Our Youth Community Forum

Emphasizing the Education of African American Males (Grades K-8)
Dr. Kunjufu, a nationally recognized educational consultant, will highlight why we are failing and share with educators, parents, youth, and communities what can work for
African American male students.
Who: Educators, parents, youth, and concerned community members in South Seattle and South King County including Auburn, Federal Way, Highline, Kent, Renton, Tukwila, and Seattle school district areas
Location: Blackriver Training and Conference Center, 800 Oakesdale Ave SW, Renton, WA (Parking is available.)
Food will be served! Teachers: Clock hours are available!
Sponsors: King County Civil Rights Commission, Seattle Office of Civil Rights,
Puget Sound Educational Service District, and Casey Family Programs in partnership with the Urban League of Metropolitan Seattle . . .
This location is accessible and reasonable accommodations provided on request.
For More information, contact the King County Civil Rights Commission
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Fun, education and holidays
Acclaimed New Orleans Activist Malik Rahim in Seattle December 8-14 The co-founder of Common Ground New Orleans, Rahim recently won the Thomas Merton Human Rights Award for his heroic work on behalf of his fellow Katrina survivors. Common Ground has provided direct humanitarian aid to over 80,000 people since the Katrina disaster and is leading the struggle to rebuild New Orleans in a socially just and environmentally sustainable manner. While in Seattle Mr. Rahim will talk about the current situation in New Orleans and what we can do to help. He will also promote a spring 2009 social justice trip to New Orleans by students and staff of Nova High School, along with Katrina survivors living in Seattle. · Thursday December 11 7 pm Talk by Malik at New Hope Baptist Church116 21st Ave. in the Central District. Introductory remarks by Rev. Robert Jeffrey, pastor at New Hope and long time social justice advocate. · Saturday December 13 at 7 am Malik will appear at KBCS radio 91.3 on the program "Mind Over Matters" with host Mike McCormick · Saturday December 13th 2-4 pm Talk and Fundraising Reception at the Home of Joe Szwaja 2021 NE 75th Street in Ravenna. Tax deductible donations to help Common Ground and Nova High School's New Orleans Social Justice trip can be sent to Nova PTSA (memo New Orleans) c/o Nova 2410 East Cherry StreetSeattle 98122. To buy fair trade and eco friendly products to help Nova's New Orleans efforts (fair trade chocolate, stainless steel water bottles and envirosax shopping bags) go tohttp://www.nwgreenschools.
Dr. Robert Bullard to speak at Human Rights Day Celebration Author and professor Dr. Robert Bullard will speak at a free evening event to celebrate Human Rights Day in Seattle on Thursday, December 11, 7-9 pm at Town Hall Seattle on 8th Avenue and Seneca. The evening event also will include presentation of the 2008 Human Rights Awards to local human rights leaders NW Immigrant Rights Project, Somali Community Services of Seattle, YWCA GirlsFirst and Michael Neguse. WHAT: Seattle Human Rights Day 2008 WHERE: Town Hall Seattle on 8th Avenue and Seneca WHEN: Thursday, December 11, 7-9 p.m. Speaker Dr. Robert Bullard also will speak from 11:30 am to 1 pm on December 10 in Seattle City Hall’s Bertha Landes Room. WHY: The 13th annual Seattle Human Rights Day event commemorates the sixtieth anniversary of the United Nations’ Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which was adopted December 10, 1948. FEATURED SPEAKER: Dr. Bullard is the Ware Distinguished Professor of Sociology and Director of the Environmental Justice Resource Center at Clark Atlanta University, and one of the leading experts on environmental justice and race. He has authored fourteen books on environmental justice, environmental racism, housing and transportation, including Confronting Environmental Racism. For more information call the Seattle Office for Civil Rights at (206) 684-4500 or check the web at
2 Multicultural Holiday Fairs worth going to:
An Ethnic Holiday Gift Show!! - Saturday, December 13th JOIN US For A Cozy Ethnic Holiday Gift Show A Festive Day of Refreshments, Fun, and One Stop Shopping Some of the products distributed by our vendors include: Silpada Jewelry - Body Care Essentials – Handmade Quilts Designs by Sharron – Lula & Mi Shea Butters – Custom Greeting Cards Warm Spirit – Calendars - Ethnic Art & Artifacts - Serenity Soul Body Butters Xscapes Toiletry & Travel Paks - Black Dolls Delicious Homemade Cakes, Pies & other Goodies & Other Unique Gifts. WHEN: Saturday, December 13, 2008 WHERE: 3128 – 34th South (the house is located between South Hanford Street & Mt. Baker Blvd – near Franklin High School) TIME: 11:00 AM – 6:00 PM Please be our guest… Skip the malls, come shop in a relaxing environment and enjoy hot cider, coffee, wine and light refreshments. Do your holiday shopping with our unique vendors. BRING YOUR FAMILY AND FRIENDS
MUSICA Entertainment & Early Education The Columbia City Holiday Kids Fair At the Historic Columbia City Theatre Saturday, December 13th, 2008 Noon - 3:00 pm Early learning, birth to five education, school readiness, families & fun! MUSICA Entertainment is proud to present events that focus on literacy, health, education and safety of children birth through 8. Several studies show that music helps focus attention and provides a motivating environment for learning. As young children grow and develop, music continues as a basic medium, not only of communication, but of self expression as well. Through all of our youth events we reinforce the role of parents as their child's first and most important teachers. The Columbia City Holiday Kids Fair is an opportunity to have family fun experiencing fantastic entertainment, music while visiting the historic Columbia City neighborhood. Columbia City, located just southeast of downtown Seattle is sometimes referred to as the "Neighborhood of Nations". Shop in the unique business district which has everything from the Columbia City Art Gallery to funky boutiques to children's apparel and, cuisine from traditional American to Cuban, Mexican, Cajun soul, Ethiopian and more! The Columbia City Holiday Kids Fair takes place in the Columbia City Theatre, Seattle's oldest vaudeville theatre. Formerly a playground for Jimi Hendrix music wizardry, the current theatre offers a classic show stage, a state of the art audio recoding studio, and a video production facility. Kids of all ages will enjoy this production of music, dance and fun! The event will be hosted by none other than Frosty the Snowman. Frosty's guests include, yes of course Dear ole' Santa Claus, who will stop in for a visit and pictures. Frosty's performers and friends include jazz guitarist Michael Powers who'll be performing holiday tunes for the young and the young at heart, along with the lovable education mascot Rodney Raccoon, who teaches kids about hygiene, their ABC's and 123's, all to cool hip hop music. The amazing EriAm Sisters featuring 11 year-old Haben Abraham will be joining Frosty to present an amazing performance of the latest top 40 tunes as well as a preview of music from their forthcoming album. Northwest Tap Connection, the incredible Seattle youth Tap group has performed all over the United States and will again amaze audiences with their tap, dance and showmanship. Lots of surprises, face painting, interactive games and balloon making only add to an afternoon of fun, learning and music! Toddlers are welcomed and encouraged at this all ages family friendly event. At MUSICA Entertainment we are excited to provide families with the opportunity to enjoy a fun, safe learning environment full of Holiday spirit and good cheer. As proponents of Early Education we're just as excited to be able to connect you with organizations like Thrive By Five Washington, The Foundation For Early Learning and Atlantic Street Center. You'll learn more about the Atlantic Street Center, home of the very successful Parent/Child Home Program and other valuable resources in regards to early education, parenting and school readiness during our live webcast of the event if you can't make it in person. If you have crafts to display or would like to be a vendor, we have limited table space available and of course the product must be kid friendly. Please contact emoreem@musicaentertainment.
Have a great evening!
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Engaging Youth as Leaders
WEDS DEC 3, 4:30 - 6:30 p.m., at Seattle MarriottWaterfront, 2100 Alaskan Way, Seattle; The nonprofitorganization, Global Washington, presents GlobalConnections: PREPARING YOUTH TODAY FOR LEADERSHIP Tomorrow.Keynote Speaker: Representative Adam Smith, D-WA, sponsorof the Global Poverty Act. Join us to celebrate the stateof Washington's achievements in global citizenship andglobal learning, be a part of the dialogue about theimportance of GLOBAL CITIZENSHIP in building a movement forsocial change and find out more about how Global Washingtoncan contribute to your success. Program 4:30 - 5:30followed by Cocktail reception. Registration or info or, info 206-652-8725
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Puget Sound Off
Please read below, not just youth can get involved, young professionals and educators can also participate. Makes Social Activism Easier than Ever Before
Posted by digitalnatives in civic_engagement, digital civic engagement
Tyler Goulet updates us on the Center for Communication and Civic Engagement’s latest initiative:
According to John Palfrey and Urs Gasser in Born Digital, “the ability of networked activist to transform politics in some countries could prove to be the single most important trend in the global Internet culture… If these early signs turn into a bigger movement, politics as we know it is in for big changes.”
We at the Center for Communication and Civic Engagement believe these big changes are right around the corner and we’re trying to make them happen.
So far, things that happen on the internet, and stay on the internet, are not helping social movements grow as much as some hoped. An example of this is when users on social networking sites such as MySpace and Facebook join causes or groups that are dedicated to raising awareness about a social movement. This is often seen as the equivalent of putting a “support your cause” bumper sticker on your car.
However, social networking sites are making it much easier for anyone to connect, communicate, and organize with people in their local area as well as around the globe. The internet has made creating and executing social movements much easier than ever before. This is great and all, except the most popular social networking sites focus more on gossip within your social network than on creating positive change in your community.
The solution to this is to create a social networking site that focuses on the goal of creating positive change in your community. is a revolutionary site that does just that. The focus is to connect teens in the Puget Sound area that care about the same social issues so that they can create positive change in their communities.
Here’s how it works.
Sean, a junior at Bellevue High, loves art. He respects the street art culture, but also knows it creates problems within a community. When an artist paints on the sidewalk or the side of a building, people become upset and damage is done.
To solve this problem, he’d like to have the city install an Art Wall, where street artist can go and display their art legally. However, he can’t do it alone and doesn’t know any of his friends who would be interested in helping him get the Art Wall installed.
Sean decides he’ll hop onto and write a blog about the problem he sees, what he wants to do about it, and if anyone else wants to help.
A few days later he sees he has 3 comments from people saying they would like to work with him to make this happen. He organizes a meeting with them so that they can do more research on the problem and solution so that they can create an action plan to make it happen.
Now, Sean is in a group of 4 people who really want to make this happen. However, they’ll need more support to really make this happen.
They decide to make a group on so that they can invite their friends to join the cause.
The group features an information section which teaches people about the problem and solution. It lets people know when they are getting together to talk about and implement the plan. It also has a few documents promoting the cause that people can download, print out, and distribute to their friends.
After a few weeks of hard work and determination the group has grown to 200 people who support the cause.
Now that they have the support they can really start to make an impact in their community.
And so the story goes Sean and his group follow their action plan and get the Art Wall to be installed so that everyone can enjoy the street art culture legally without any problems.
By using the site, Sean was able to connect with other teens that cared about the same problem as him. They worked together to create an action plan and gain enough support to implement the plan so that they could solve the problem they care about.
It’s a beautiful thing. However,, as a new initiative, is still working out all the kinks.
Check out the site and let us know what you think. What works, what doesn’t? What would make the site easier and better to use? Through comments and suggestions from you we can really make these types of sites powerful political tools.
Tyler Goulet is a Junior at the University of Washington, Seattle, where he is currently triple majoring in Communication, Political Science, and Community Environment and Planning. He has been a Research Assistant for the CCCE for nearly a year. For more information on Tyler Goulet check out
Monday, December 1, 2008
Post Thanksgiving- Connect with Community Radio
Below is some information about my favorite community radio station, KBCS that offers some great radio programs and also free workshops. Definitely check out what they have to offer:
Bankruptcy in Washington State on Voices of Diversity
Wednesday December 3rd , 6 p.m.According to a recent article in the Seattle Times, bankruptcies in Washington State increased by 40% in the first ten months of this year. We’ll explore how people are struggling to stay afloat during difficult economic times. We'll also get advice from financial counselors, and speak with people who are currently facing or have gone through bankruptcy . Upcoming Public Affairs Trainings and Free WorkshopsWe’re growing a volunteer-powered and social justice-focused newsroom, where reporters and producers are community members committed to skill sharing and facilitating media making of, by, and for our communities. KBCS offers free community journalism workshops. To get involved, come to one of our monthly public affairs workshops. They are the first four Wednesdays of every month at 7:30 p.m. at the KBCS studios. You’re also invited to come by any Wednesday at 5:30 p.m. to observe and/or assist in the production of Voices of Diversity and One World Report. RSVP to Joaquin Uy at (425) 564-6195 or
Upcoming Wednesday Night Workshop Schedule: Art of Interviewing
NOTE SCHEDULE CHANGE: Interviewing workshop offered instead of the orientation.1st Wednesday (December 3rd)A good interview is based on asking the right questions, and we’ll show you how to do just that. Radio Journalism2nd Wednesday (December 10th)This workshop covers the basics of radio journalism. We’ll go over our approach to media in community radio, ethical standards, libel, First Amendment, and the elements of a good story.
Writing for Radio 3rd Wednesday (December 17th)This workshop covers specific techniques and standards of writing for radio. Practice includes writing for One World Report.
Have a nice day!
Friday, November 21, 2008
Feedback time

Gov. Gregoire has asked her staff to begin discussions with key agencies, local governments, community leaders, and the public at large prior to the development of her budget and legislative agenda. Just like Washington families, state government is facing serious economic challenges. And in tough times creative ideas are needed.
Please take a look at these three questions and contact me via phone or email if you have ideas or suggestions.
· How can state government provide services more efficiently and cost-effectively?
· What current state government functions and programs might be better handled in the private sector or the nonprofit arena?
· How can state government help stimulate Washington's economy?
Finally, Gov. Gregoire has launched a website seeking direct citizen input on her budget:
Please use the website above, email reply to this message, and the phone to share your ideas. My phone number is below.
I will forward your emails or phoned-in comments immediately to the Governor’s Office.
Thank you for your time and thoughts on how to address these tough issues.
Best regards, ROZ
Rosalund Jenkins, Executive Director
Washington State Commission on African American Affairs
210 11th Ave. SW, Suite 301A, Olympia, WA 98502
Voice 360-725-5663
Fax 360-586-0622
Job Seekers of Color
PWOCN Job Clubs!
November 14, 2008
Looking for a job, especially in this economy, can be difficult and discouraging but you don't have to go it alone. It seems that almost daily we are hearing stories of layoffs and changes in the workplace but believe me there still are great jobs available and many companies are seeking diverse candidates just like you. One of the main goals of The Professional Women of Color Network is supporting women of color and it is with great excitement that we are announcing the formation of Industry Specific Job Clubs for Women of Color!
What is a Job Club?
Job connection clubs are small groups of people who meet regularly to talk candidly about job searching and career advancement with the goal of supporting the success of all members.
Why Join A Job Club? Most of us don't relish the idea of embarking on a job search. It can be a lonely and discouraging process. Because of the length of time it can take to find work, many people lose momentum and grow frustrated. But it doesn't have to be that way.
Becoming part of a job club can offer valuable assistance and renewed optimism. It may also bring a strong sense of accountability that gets you going in the right direction. When you know that your fellow members expect to hear regularly about your progress, you're more inclined to have a productive period leading up to the club meeting. How Do I Join?Select the Job Club you are most interested in joining and send the following information via email to
Address (Include City & State)
Employment Status
Current or Previous Occupation
Industry Club you would like to join
Clubs are limited to 8-12 members so join quickly as we expect the spaces to fill up fast! Job/Career CoachesIf you are interested in serving as a Coach or Guest Speaker for any of the clubs listed, please contact us via email at PWOCN Job Club List
Financial Services & Insurance
Social Services
Health Care
Women in Trades
Gen X & Y'ers
Mature Workers
Don't see your industry on the list? Email us with your suggestion!
As we move into the New Year, PWOCN is focusing on strengthening support and partnership opportunities for all of our members. Let's continue to be there for one another by sharing our resources, expertise and knowledge. Collectively we can make a difference for each other!
Meko L. LawsonProfessional Women of Color Network
Monday, November 17, 2008
Back in action, lots to do
Here is a cool event to check out today downtown if you are interested in a job in politics, who’s not these days J
Political Jobs A-GO-GO
Monday, 11/17, 5 – 7pm
O'Asian Kitchen
Details at:…
The New Organizing Institute and DemocracyInAction are excited to be partnering with Democratic GAIN, the WIN/WIN Network, OneNW, and NTEN for a networking reception. This reception is open to the public, and will provide an easy way to connect with others in the Seattle area who are looking for job openings or have positions to fill. This cash bar reception.

“All My Relations” A Celebration of Gratitude at Thanksgiving Interfaith Worship Celebration Sunday, November 23rd 2:30 – 4:00 PM Location: St Patrick Church 2702 Broadway Avenue East Seattle, WA 98102 This is an interfaith/InterSpiritual event that embraces indigenous wisdom and traditions. We are looking forward to learning lessons through stories shared by eight celebrants from different faith and spiritual communities. They and a musical group brought together for this event will engage us with lovely songs and insights that address the story lines for the gratitude service: We Are All People of the Earth We Are All Related We Are All Wounded We Will All Heal Together. This is a family-friendly celebration. Please select and bring an item (non-returnable) from the earth that represents something meaningful for which you are grateful. These items will be placed in a community basket that will have a special role in our celebration. NICO, a founding member of the Compassionate Action Network, is sponsoring this InterSpiritual gathering, which is a co-creation of many individuals, spiritual communities and interfaith organizations. It honors and preserves a 22 year tradition in our region. Check out the flyer: For more information, contact: John Hale -; 425.865.0659
For folks of color, Jobtini is a great way to interview for a job in a fun way where you can talk intimately with employers. Colors NW is a great organization and although I have never been to a Jobtini yet, I have heard they are very helpful for networking and job placement Check it out:
Jobtini at .Next Thursday 11/20! UPDATE: Microsoft will be giving away a free Zune to one lucky job seeker at Jobtini! You must be present to win! Zune is Microsoft's portable media player, enjoy music, videos, podcasts and FM Radio on the go! CONFIRMED EMPLOYERS: Microsoft T-Mobile Community Health Plan of Washington Seattle Parks and Recreation Projectline Services American Family Insurance University Of Washington ... MORE TO COME! WHEN: November 20, 2008, 5:30-8:30 p.m. WHERE: Spitfire, 2219 4th Avenue, Seattle, WA 98121 REGISTRATION: Limited Space, Sign up TODAY! FOR INFO: Contact Melissa Laramie
This is a fabulous performance, very lively, you can’t help but feel good. I go every year! I wouldn’t miss it for the world, it is especially great if you like to sing!

INTIMAN THEATRE GETS AUDIENCES READY FOR THE HOLIDAY SEASON WITH BLACK NATIVITY: A GOSPEL SONG PLAY Opening Night Benefit Performance: Friday, December 5 at 8 pm Performances: November 29 – December 27 at Intiman Playhouse, Seattle Center Tickets are on sale now at or 206.269.1900 SEATTLE— “Hear again the Christmas story” as Intiman Theatre’s Black Nativity enters its second decade as a gospel songfest for the entire family, and a Seattle tradition for audiences of all faiths. This celebration of the holiday season offers gospel favorites (performed by powerful soloists and a full choir) and dance (from traditional to tap). The production is directed by Jacqueline Moscou and choreographed by Kabby Mitchell III, with music direction by Pastor Patrinell Wright. Black Nativity will run November 29-December 27 at the Intiman Playhouse, 201 Mercer Street at Seattle Center. The pay-what-you-can performance is Thursday, December 4 at 7:30 pm and the Opening Night Benefit Performance is Friday, December 5 at 8 pm. Photographs Production photographs can be downloaded at If you do not have the User Name and Password on file, please contact Ticket and Performance Information Single tickets range in price from $15 to $45, with discounts available for groups of 15 or more. Pending availability, $20 SRO/rush tickets will go on sale 15 minutes before curtain time. Tickets are available for purchase from or over the phone from the Ticket Office at 206.269.1900. Intiman
That’s all for today! Enjoy the sunshine.
Monday, November 10, 2008
Fun times in the city
The coolest community radio station that I recently got to take a tour of is having a birthday bash, consider attending, its fun, inexpensive and a great night of dancing. If you can't attend, consider listening to some of their programs and/ or attend a free workshop.
KBCS 91.3 FM COMMUNITY RADIO 35 YEAR Birthday Bash Saturday, November 15th, 2008 7:30 PM, Town Hall Seattle performances by Laura Love (
Immigration Policy Debate on Voices of Diversity, Wednesday, November 12th, 6 p.m. KBCS 91.3 FM or KBCS.FM As the U.S. awaits a new administration, what changes might take place in our immigration policy? How does our current policy affect not only immigrants, but American citizens? We’ll consider these and other questions with Carlos Marentes of El Comite, Ira Mehlman of The Federation for American Immigration Reform, and Marc Mazique of Which Way Forward. We also appreciate listener calls at 425-564-2424.
WEDS NOV 12, 7:30 pm, at the KBCS studios, Bellevue;
RADIO JOURNALISM. This workshop covers the basics of radio
journalism. We'll go over our approach to media in
community radio, ethical standards, libel, First Amendment,
and the elements of a good story. A free public affairs
workshop, but we do ask you commit to using your newfound
skills to help make community journalism happen at KBCS.
To get involved, come to one of our 1st Wednesday monthly
public affairs volunteer orientations. Directions at, RSVP to Joaquin Uy 425-564-6195, or
Some board positions to look where you can lend your quality professional skills and make a difference!
URGENT! Serve on the Children’s Response Center Advisory Board and make a difference in the lives of children who are victims of sexual assault and trauma. The Children’s Response Center (CRC) is a well-established non-profit organization serving children and families on the Eastside for over 20 years. Originally launched by police and other community agencies, CRC is dedicated to meeting the needs to children dealing with very difficult circumstances. Advisory Board members oversee fundraising events and assist with raising awareness throughout the Eastside community about sexual assault prevention. ALL MEMBERS OF THE COMMUNITY WITH A PASSION FOR THE WORK ARE WELCOME. For more information please visit our website http://www.
Annual Report Copy Editor Needed. The Children’s Response Center seeks a skilled writer/editor to pull all information together (which is currently available in files) and put it in readable, interesting format for annual report. Report to be posted on website. Call Sally Martinez, Community Affairs Director, at (425) 467-3390.
Website Content Expert needed: Children’s Response Center is looking for a skilled person to keep the content on our website updated. Estimated time is three hours per month for the first three months. Then one hour a month. Call Sally Martinez, Community Affairs Director, at (425) 467-3390.
I am partial to UW Bothell and I am super excited they have started to offer a Master's in Cultural Studies. This should be a very cool event!
Toby Miller: “Green Cultural Citizenship.” Wednesday, November 12, 6:00-8:30pm, North Creek Events Center at UW Bothell. FREE. Toby Miller, Professor of Media & Cultural Studies at the University of California, Riverside, will point to limitations in how cultural citizenship is theorized in cultural and media studies. He will argue for a “green” model of cultural citizenship, one that places demands for more media, speech, and publicity in the context of the disastrous environmental impact of an emphasis on growth as an end in itself. Miller’s lecture marks the launch of the Master of Arts in Cultural Studies (MACS) program at University of Washington Bothell. MACS offers an integrative approach to the study of culture across diverse locations. MACS prepares students for diverse careers in social, cultural, and arts fields or for further interdisciplinary graduate education across the arts, humanities, and social and natural sciences. To learn more about MACS, see: A reception will follow Toby Miller’s lecture. The event is FREE, and all are welcome. To RSVP, or for more information, contact Lisa: or 425.352.3136. For directions, see:
Please join Bahia in Motion for another exciting workshop series coming up next weekend, Saturday, November 13th! In addition to Daniel's Afro-Brazilian class, we have a special guest joining us, Dennis Richards, who will teach a Cuban Rueda class!!! (salsa danced in a group in circle form). Afterwards, for those interested, we'll head to Century Ballroom DOWN THE HALL, to settle into some of the latin moves we just learned from Dennis! It will be an evening full of sumptuous Afro-Latin dancing AND.... EACH CLASS COSTS ONLY $5 + your generous food donation to NW Harvest. This workshop is dedicated to those in need over the holidays. So, come on out to DANCE AND DONATE!! Bring your friends and family!! Start your holiday season by infusing your body and soul with the enchanting movements and sounds of Cuba and Brasil. Here are the details: Afro-Brazilian/Afro-Cuban Workshop When: Saturday, November 15th Afro-Brazilian Class: 6pm-7:30pm Instructor: Daniel Pitta (Bahia in Motion) Cuban Rueda Class: 7:30pm-9pm Instructor: Dennis Richards Where: Velocity Dance Center (Capitol HIll) MAINSPACE 915 E. Pine Street (2nd Floor) Cost: $5 per class plus a food donation Please give a call or send an email with any questions!! We hope to see you next Saturday!! Axe! (A-shay) Aileen and Daniel Bahia in Motion 206-518-3421
This is a cool workshop to focus on peace and justice skill building, check it out!
TUES NOV 11, evening, in Seattle; COMPASSIONATE
LISTENING: Healing our World from the Inside Out - an
introductory session with Susan Partnow and Andrea Cohen.
The Compassionate Listening Project teaches powerful skills
for peace building in our daily lives, in our families,
communities, in the workplace, and among nations; speaking
and listening from the heart, even in the heat of conflict.
info http://www.
Want to see the Executive Director of Real Change talk about Homelessness:
**WEDS NOV 12, noon, in the second floor conference room
of the Plaza Building at 6th & Stewart, just across
Westlake Avenue from the Westin Hotel, downtown Seattle;
Metropolitan Democratic Club board meeting with program
speaker Tim Harris, Executive Director of RealChange News,
who will talk to us about the PROBLEM OF HOMELESSNESS IN
OUR COMMUNITY and the ten-year plan to end it. feel free
to bring your lunch. info
Ok thats all for today! Enjoy!
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Vote today! Events to check out
Some events to go to tonight:
DON’T SPEND ELECTION NIGHT ALONE! COME TO OUR ELECTION NIGHT SPECIAL, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 4 AT 5:30 PM Contact: George Howland Jr., SEATTLE CHANNEL Communications, (206) 684-5755 SEATTLE -Why spend election night alone when you can spend it with friends and fellow political junkies at Town Hall? Our free Election Night Special begins at 5:30 pm, when SEATTLE CHANNEL’s C.R. Douglas moderates a left/right/center panel featuring Democratic political consultant Cathy Allen, KVI host John Carlson, Seattle Times columnist and editorial writer Joni Balter, and feature columnist Knute Berger analyzing the national and local races. At 6:30 pm, we’ll start a returns viewing party emceed by Fred Northup, sprinkled with political trivia and prizes. You can also step into the SEATTLE CHANNEL’s “Election Confessional” to talk about the issues that motivated your vote this election season. Presented by SEATTLE CHANNEL, Town Hall Center for Civic Life, and Come anytime after 5:30. Free, no tickets required. Please register at (no calls). WHAT: Election Night Special WHERE: Town Hall, 1119 8th Ave, (8th & Seneca) Seattle WHEN: Tuesday, November 4 at 5:30 - 10:30 pm HOW MUCH: Free, no tickets required _______________________________________________________
Election Evening Extravaganza! November 4 starting at 8pm Don't let your Champagne go flat this election night! Join Northwest Film Forum and Strawberry Theatre Workshop as we turn NWFF into the epicenter of election information, complete with major network broadcasts in our two cinemas, radio coverage in the lobby, dead presidents, and live blogging all night long! As each state gets called, watch our master of ceremonies MJ Sieber post red and blue light bulbs on our giant map of the country, marking wins for Obama or McCain. Raise a glass in celebration or dilute your beer with your tears-either way, it beats being home and yelling at your television. The Extravaganza is a fund-raising party for Northwest Film Forum and Strawberry Theatre Workshop. Suggested donation $10. PURCHASE TICKETS NOW 1515 12th Ave Seattle, Washington 98122 On the web at
To follow up the election, some events that are coming up to discuss the outcome include:
Center for Women and Democracy Supporting, stimulating and fostering women’s effective participation and leadership in local, national and global affairs. Please join us for our monthly Food for Thought Lecture Series November 20th, 2008 6:00-9:00pm Women's University Club State of Women in Politics: Post-Election Analysis Time for us to once again take stock of how far we’re come in the race for equality in public office. From the federal elections to the state legislative races, to our statewide women Supreme Court Justices: how’d we do in 2008 and are we better off than we began the year? RSVP now by clicking here November 20th, 2008 6-9pm at the Women's University Club See what has really changed regarding women and political power in 2008. Did you know that Rwanda women now number more than 50% in its Parliament? Or that Canada inched up to 22.1% women in its Parliament? And, Israel now is likely two months away from having a woman Prime Minister? And Hillary running (and darn near becoming) the Democratic Presidential nominee? And Sarah Palin becoming the first Republican woman to make the Presidential ticket? Whew! Time for us to once again take stock of how far we’re come in the race for equality in public office. From the federal elections to the state legislative races, to our statewide women Supreme Court Justices: how’d we do in 2008 and are we better off than we began the year? Please join us Thursday, November 20, 2008 as we continue our annual State of Women in Politics: Post Election Analysis We will look at women's success on the local, state, national, and international front. Join us as we hear from some of the women winners including a drop by from Senate Majority Leader Lisa Brown. Please join us as political analyst Cathy Allen reports on the progress women have made in this never-ending year of politics. This is one of our best-loved programs of the year! Join us Thursday, November 20 from 6:00 p.m.– 9:00 p.m. at the Women’s University Club, 1105 6th Avenue in downtown Seattle. The cost is $35 in advance or $40 at the door, or you can take advantage of our “Dinner and a Membership” deal by joining the Center at a Food for Thought program for $100 and receive your meal that evening at no additional cost. RSVP now by clicking here Women's University Club 1105 6th Avenue Seattle, WA Center for Women and Democracy
Have a great day and enjoy the election watching!
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Halloween, Elections and chaos: a very busy week
So here are some events to relax to and still get yourself out in the community in a fun way.
If you don't have Halloween plans, check out the:
When | Friday, October 31, 9pm – Saturday, November 1, 2008, 1am |
Where | Market Theater/Alibi Room 1428 Post Alley Seattle, WA 98101 |
What | 2nd Annual Pub Crawl through the Market, this time co-produced by the Market Ghost Tours, Unexpected Productions and Market Ghost Tours. Travel between haunted bars and restaurants escorted by guides who will share ghost stories and gifts with you along the way. At any point in the evening, you can step into the theater to see one of three shows offered that night. Event ends in the Market theater with a midnight live improv show. |
Register | |
An interesting event I came across as alternative to the bar scene:
Games: Masquerade Party Play Date, Nov 1st, $10. Guess you can recycle your Halloween costume for this one. This is one more group trying to present an alternative to the bar scene for singles, by creating interactivity over games, such as UNO, Twister, Hungry Hungry Hippos, Rock 'Em Sock 'Em Robots, Chess, Spades, Bridge, and so on. This is a good place for socialites seeking casual fun, less so for the gaming geeks.
Another cool event for networking that is low cost and for a good cause is:
Seattle Chamber of Commerce
TOAST OF SEATTLEThe Toast of Seattle is one of the Chamber's most successful networking programs. With three structured networking rounds over breakfast at some of the region's best venues - you're guaranteed to expand your network!
Date: | Friday, November 7 |
Time: | 7:30 - 9:30 a.m. |
Place: | Treehouse, 2100 24th Avenue S, Seattle 98144 |
Cost: | $15 pre-paid, $20 after 11/5 |
Registration: | Click 'Online Registration' button or contact Larry Pike, 206.389.7215. |
Parking: | Complimentary parking in the Treehouse lot and on the street |
"It is a great way to motivate yourself for the day!" - Jeff Altchech, Temporarily Yours, Inc.
Treehouse has been serving King County foster children since 1988 by providing unique education and enrichment services that build self-esteem and help them reach their fullest potential. There are currently more than 15,000 disadvantaged children eligible for Treehouse services.
_______________________________Also, consider hosting a donation drive for Treehouse with your office ( I have done this in the past with several of my employers and it is a lot of fun):
Host a Holiday Donation Drive for foster kids!
The holidays can be tough for kids in foster care, who often face the season without parents, siblings or other relatives. Treehouse helps brighten the season for foster kids by making sure they have toys and new winter clothes - things every child deserves.
You can help Treehouse bring joy to nearly 1,000 foster kids this holiday season. Please add a foster child to your holiday list this season and host a holiday donation drive.
For more information, contact, 206-267-5109 or visit
GALLERY TALK WITH WASHINGTON FOUNDATION DIRECTOR: TIM DETWEILER Join Tim Detweiler, Executive Director of the James W. Washington Jr.
and Janie Rogella Washington Foundation, as he discusses the incredible life and work of renowned local artist James W. Washington, Jr.
Mr. Detweiler has spent the past three years working to preserve the art, writing and lifetime works of James W. Washington, Jr. The Foundation is working to share his vision through the preservation, interpretation, and showing of his artwork, studio, family garden, and home . This talk will focus on Mr. Washington¹s involvement in the Civil Rights Struggle, and how this theme consistently and powerfully shaped his artwork.
Free to the Public
Thursday, November 6, 2008
5:30pm 7:00pm
Northwest African American Museum Northwest Gallery
Monday, October 27, 2008
great fall weather, engagement frenzy
Also, here are some interesting events coming up:
Will Your Vote Be Counted? The Seattle University Young Democrats and the Political Science Club invite faculty, staff and students to a campus-wide film screening and panel discussion of Emmy award-winning director David Earnhardt's UNCOUNTED: The New Math of American Elections on Wednesday, October 29, 2008 from 6 to 9 PM in the Wyckoff Auditorium (see attached flyer).
Film Synopsis: UNCOUNTED is an explosive new documentary that shows how the election fraud that changed the outcome of the 2004 election led to even greater fraud in 2006--and now looms as an unbridled threat to the outcome of the 2008 election. This controversial feature length film by Emmy award-winning director David Earnhardt examines in factual, logical, and yet startling terms how easy it is to change outcomes and undermine election integrity across the U.S. (
Celebration, Fundraiser, and Community Event, featuring WA State Representative and Media Justice ally Bob Hasegawa with special guests Sharon Maeda - UFCW 21, Jonathan Lawson - Reclaim the Media, and Karen Toering - Reclaim the Media ** Tuesday, October 28, 5:30-7:30pm (short program starts at 6:30pm) Hidmo Eritrean Cuisine 2000 S Jackson St. Seattle, 98144 Enjoy delicious Eritrean cuisine appetizers and join friends at one of the Central District neighborhood's most essential community hubs. No host bar. Donations to Bob Hasegawa's re-election campaign appreciated. Please RSVP to Susan Gleason,, 206-931-2613 Sponsored by Friends of Media Justice ** Organizational affiliations are listed for identification purposes only. ____________________________________________
VOLUNTEER to Get Out the VOTE! Make a difference in this historic election by mobilizing immigrant and Latino voters on the Eastside! November 1st — November 4 Call Fatima Morales at 323-841-0033 or email at for more information. Washington CAN! is the state's largest non-profit grassroots community organization fighting for progressive social change. ¡Juntos podemos alentar el VOTO inmigrante y latino! Toma parte en esta eleccion historica y ayudanos a alentar el voto Latino e inmigrante en el este! 1ro de noviembre — 4 de noviembre Llame a Fátima Morales al 323-841-0033 o mande un correo electronico a para mas información. La Red Activa Comunitaria es la organizacion de base más grande del estado sin fines de lucro que lucha por los derechos de los inmigrantes y para cobertura medica para todos.
The White Center Community Development Association and Trusted Advocates present The 2008 Community Summit: "Celebrating our Community, the White Center Way" Saturday, November 8 Mount View Elementary School 10811 12th Avenue SW 8:00am – 3:00pm Free Admission This year's community summit will gather families, government agencies and local community-based/non-profit organizations in a fun, family friendly environment. Live cultural performances, ethnic foods, door prizes and children's activities are just a taste of what the summit has to offer! Come learn about the issues affecting your community and how you can be involved in a positive way. There will be information booths and workshops on health, education, jobs, housing, annexation, immigration and more. Translation services will be provided in Cambodian, Vietnamese, Spanish, Tigrinya, Somali, Amharic, Samoan, Arabic and English (other languages available upon request). Childcare will be provided. Please help us spread the word! Invite your neighbors, family, friends, co-workers and classmates. For more information, and how you can be an event sponsor or exhibitor, contact: Ebony Davis: (206) 694-1082 x168 or Ian Dapiaoen: (206) 694-1082 x175 or Event sponsors: White Center Community Development Association, Trusted Advocates, Youth Media Institute, City of Seattle, King County Housing Authority, City of Burien, White Center Early Learning Initiative, Southwest Boys and Girls Club , Seamar, Neighborhood House, White Center Public Health, Homesight, Para Los Ninos, White Center Library, PASEFIKA, Department of Social and Health Services, International Community Health Services, Red Cross, Roxbury Clinic, White Center Food Bank, Refugee Federation Service Center, International District Housing Alliance, YWCA Career Development, King County Food and Fitness Initiative, King County Public Health, Environmental Works, Delridge Neighborhoods Development Association, Homestead Community Land Trust, Urban League of Metropolitan Seattle, Technology Access Foundation, S. & L. Realty LLC, Center for the study of Social Policy
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Big time event week!
Discuss race and politics Thursday! CD Forum presents... Which Way Seattle? Series: Black Elected Officials Thursday, October 23, 2008 7pm at Pigott Auditorium, Seattle University *Cost: Pay-What -You-Can Address how racial politics impact a candidate's platform. Discuss the impact of Black elected officials on their constituents. Explore whether or not Black representation makes a difference to issues faced in the community. Moderator: Christian M. Halliburton, Associate Professor of Law at Seattle University School of Law. Panelists: Rosalund Jenkins, Executive Director of the WA State Commission on African-American Affairs; Darryl Smith, former president of the Rainier Chamber of Commerce; and Eric Pettigrew, (D) Representative for the 37th Legislative District.For more info, please contact the CD Forum 206.323.4032 ______________________________________________________
** Dress for Success launches Y.E.S.! **Thurs, 10/23 6-8pm ~ Downtown Banana Republic, 5th Ave and Pike StreetNo rsvp necessary - just stop on by! Dress for Success Seattle is excited to announce the launch of Young Executives for Success (Y.E.S!). Y.E.S! is a volunteer branch of Dress for Success geared toward young professional women and offering a fresh new approach to networking and fundraising in Seattle. It is where business and philanthropy come to meet and mingle through exciting events that "raise the fun" while "raising funds" for the organization. Their launch event will feature a fabulous night of shopping at 30% discount, networking and fundraising to celebrate the mission of Dress for Success. Want to learn more? Contact Lindsey Myer - Lindsey.Meyer@microsoft.com
Money Wise Women Business Conference Educating and Empowering October 25, 2008 Keynote Speakers: Creating a Healthy Financial Life for Yourself & Your Business -- Marcia Brixey, author of The Money Therapist: A Woman’s Guide to Creating a Healthy Financial Life The Moxie Sauce – 9 Strategies for Taking Your Business by the Horns -- Ann Tardy, author of LifeMoxie! Ambition on a Mission: 9 Strategies for Taking Life by the Horns The Details for the Day: WHEN: Saturday, October 25, 2008 from 8:30 am - 5:30 pm WHERE: North Seattle Community College, Seattle WA REGISTRATION INFO: Online at . For more info contact Marcia Brixey by email or phone at or (360 204-0982. REGISTRATION FEE: $79.00 (includes all sessions, materials, lunch & a copy of Marcia’s book The Money Therapist). After October 17, 2008 the registration fee is $89.00. BRING A FRIEND SPECIAL: Register yourself & a friend for $138.00 ($69.00 each--$10.00 off) _________________________________________________
Latino Community Fund Summit Please Contact: Carmen Esparza 206-829-8895 Details and registration at Are you ready to make a difference in the Latino Community? Are you ready to connect with and be part of Latino community leadership? Are you ready to find cross-sector solutions to improve the lives of all Washingtonians? The Latino Community Fund (LCF) in partnership with WA State Commission on Hispanic Affairs (CHA) and the University of Washington College of Education Invite you to the 2008 Latino Community Fund Summit Working across sectors (business, academic, government and non-profit) to strengthen community leadership Saturday October 25th, 2008 8:00 am to 2:30 pm Spirit of Washington Event Center 233 Burnet Ave. S Renton, WA 98055 (Breakfast and Lunch included) **The Latino Community Fund is a Public Foundation created by Latinos to invest in the well being of Latinos in Washington State. Details and registration at
Please join us on Sunday October 26 for a televised town hall event— Live From Main Street Seattle: Beyond Hockey Moms and Palin Politics - Women on Real National Security Sunday October 26, 2008, 4pm –5:30pm at MOHAI Join us, less then two weeks before the election, as we move beyond lipstick and hockey pucks to investigate what real national security looks like at Live From Main Street Seattle. In this nationally televised town hall hosted by GritTV's Laura Flanders, an all-women panel will examine how issues of national security impact our daily lives and ask the tough questions about how to build a better future. Does the solution lie in our military or social policies? What are women doing to ensure security in their communities and in the world at large? And how does the militarization of our budget affect security in other areas of our lives? Get ready for a conversation you haven't heard before and share your voice! RSVP for preferred seating here:
Panelists include: Commissioner Gael Tarleton, Commissioner at the Port of Seattle Erin Solaro, Author of Women in the Line of Fire: What you should know about Women in the Military Carol Kessler, Director of Center for Global Security for Pacific Northwest National Lab and Co-chair of Women in International Security Rep. Maralyn Chase, Washington’s 32nd District and The Washington State Director for the Women Legislator’s Lobby Kristin Rowe-Finkbeiner, Executive Director of Mom's Rising Rosalinda Guillen, Co-founder of and Executive Director for Community to Community Development Martha Burk, Author and Money Editor at Ms. Magazine Sarah Van Gelder, Executive Editor at YES! Magazine Arrive early for free swag and books courtesy of The Media Consortium and the Progressive Book Club
For more information visit __________________________________________
KBCS 91.3 FM Community Radio Highlights for October 26-November 1, 2008 Hossein Omoumi on The Old Country: Exploring Roots in Music, Sunday, October 26th at 7 p.m. A recent Town Hall Seattle performance of 'Trance of Devotion: Sufi Poetry and Persian Music' featured Hossein Omoumi renowned Persian ney (reed flute) player and Sufi singer. Vocalist Jessika Kenney, who is a student of Dr. Omoumi's, as well as four other master musicians perform this week. Locally produced at KBCS, The Old Country: Exploring Roots in Music offers listeners an exploration of music from around the world via discography, in-studio performances, and recorded concerts. If you have an idea for The Old Country, contact Barbie-Danielle DeCarlo through the KBCS website: or by email at
The Hayburners on Lunch With Folks, Tuesday, October 28th at 1 p.m. The Hayburners are a classic folk duo partnership which combines the songwriting talents and acoustic guitar work of Jennifer Spector and David Tieman. They appear at Egan’s Ballard Jam November 1st. Exploring the fringes of our two-party political system on Voices of Diversity, Wednesday, October 29th, 6 p.m. With the media attention focused on the Republicans and Democrats, we speak with minor party candidates, scholars and voters about other models. What did the founding fathers think of political parties? Why do "third parties" develop? What obstacles do they face? Guests include Cornell University Professor Theodore Lowi, Green Party Vice Presidential Candidate Rosa Clemente, Washington State Constitution Party Chairman Glenn Freeman and Founder of the Seattle Chapter of the Black Panther Party for Self Defense Aaron Dixon - who also ran for Senate with the Green Party. Local Stories
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Events and Trainings worth checking out

Seattle Public Forums on the Digital TV Transition featuring FCC Commissioner JONATHAN ADELSTEIN Thurs. Oct 23, 6-7:30pm at Asian Counseling and Referral Service (3639 Martin Luther King Way S, Seattle) * with Congressman Jim McDermott * or Thurs, Oct 23, 3-4:30pm at Seattle Downtown Library info:
Digital Television is coming soon. On Feb. 17, 2009, all over-the-air broadcast TV will switch to a new digital format. Millions of viewers will need to install a special digital DTV converter box in order to keep watching free TV. Now is the time to get the information you need to make the switch. Who will be affected by the transition? If your TV is more than two years old, and is connected to an antenna instead of cable or satellite, you will need a digital TV converter box. What do I need to do to get ready? Order a free coupon from the government, good for $40 off the price of a DTV converter box (most boxes cost between $40 and $80). Order coupons online at or by calling 1-888-DTV-2009. Get your coupon as soon as possible it will take three weeks for the government to respond. Also, order an extra coupon even if you don't need it they're free (limit 2 coupons per household). You can donate your extra coupons to elders, shut-ins, group home residents, prisoners or others who may have special difficulty time preparing for the Feb. 17 transition. How can I get more information? Attend a public meeting on Oct. 23, when FCC Commissioner Jonathan Adelstein will come to Seattle to answer our questions about the transition (details above). News and information about the DTV transition, links to the best online resources, and media-related issues and events in the Seattle area, can be found at Call 1-888-DTV-2009 with any questions about coupons or the Feb. 17 DTV transition. -